Now with added Support for Authentication using MASweb+ Transfer Tokens and SAML 2.0 SS0 Gateway
Introducing Dashboard Tiles
MASweb+ can now leverage tiling to expand and enhance the dashboard experience. Using tiling, MASweb+ can be customized to show data and statistics in different chart formats in addition to our standard chart types. Use the new Tile Editor to select customized stored procedures to display data appropriate for your users. Up to six charts can be placed on the Summary tab of the dashboard.
MASweb+ Transfer Tokens
For customers using EX Services API to authorize users, we have introduced MASweb+ Transfer Tokens to allow your users to be validated and logged in to MASweb+ from your website. These one-use, limited-time transfer tokens provide a convenient and secure login experience. If this option is enabled, unauthenticated users will be redirected to your website to log in.
SAML 2.0 SSO Gateway
MASweb+ now supports Single Sign On (SSO) using SAML 2.0. With SSO enabled, your users authenticate through an external, SAML 2.0-compliant identity provider (IdP). Once authenticated by this IdP, users will be able to securely log in to MASweb+. Customers have the option to choose an identity provider of their preference.