Tech Talk

3 Ways to Improve Dispatching Efficiency Using Workflows

Due to a progressively competitive business environment, central station managers are increasingly pressed to meet higher expectations with more constrained resources. Thus, the need for a more efficient dispatching process that leaves no room for operator error has never been a greater priority for managers. Learn more on how to use the workflow feature in MASterMind Monitoring to help optimize dispatching efficiency to improve productivity and reduce error.

1. Set a defined dispatching process

Businesses cannot function efficiently without clearly defined processes and this holds especially true for alarm dispatchers. The workflow feature in MASterMind Monitoring software allows for the ability to define a sequential flow of actions from the start to the end of the process. A workflow can be as simple or as complex as a dispatching process may require.

2. Provide easy access to information

Providing quick access to information so alarm dispatchers can make sound decisions is a challenge for central stations. Fortunately, MASterMind Monitoring application provides for the ability to incorporate data elements into dispatching workflow. Data elements are values that can be displayed to the operator or examined within a workflow to determine which step of the workflow should proceed. For example, operators can quickly see the recent actions that were created for that account.

3. Automate your process

It’s no secret that an automated process enforces consistency and improves productivity. The workflow feature is automatically initiated when a dispatcher pulls an alarm that triggers the workflow. The dispatcher can then perform the tasks of the process defined within the workflow, quickly and consistently.

A clearly defined and automated dispatching process with easy access to information serves as a fundamental component to a more efficient central station. The workflow feature in MASterMind Monitoring application provides the tool needed to build and automate a dispatching process to achieve greater business efficiency.